Eugene Martin

GIS solutions and educator (206) 465-4104

Data and analysis were assembled and conducted according to terms laid out in the November 3, 1999 contract signed between CommEn Space and the Muckleshoot Tribe. The contract called for the assembly of a base, geospatial data set containing data for the Cedar River Watershed, WRIA 8, as well as a series of custom anslyses to evaluate road density and road/stream crossings, land cover and SSHIAP features by basins draining to stream points identified by the Muckleshoot representatives. Approximately 206 analysis units were identified for basin delineation and consideration. These areas include stream reaches open and accessible to anadromous fish as well as some which accompanying SSHIAP data indicate are blocked. Analysis of shoreline type and dock area along shoreline segments defined also defined by Muckleshoot representatives are included.

Muckleshoot Indian Tribe
WRIA 8 Chinook Recovery Plan
Geospatial Data Base and Analysis